Go, Go, Gadget Focus!

Jay and I were watching some Rehab Addict on HGTV this past week and I had a revelation:  I should start my own salvage business!  Jay quickly agreed then added that I would then need a truck.  YES!  I NEED A TRUCK!  Then Jay realized what me owning a truck would mean:  I could buy A LOT of stuff.  “New Rule,”  he announces “You can’t buy anything that doesn’t fit in the Focus.”

Bummer, after careful evaluation, I realized the salvage business would probably not work in Texas plus there is a very fine line between salvage and JUNK.

So Friday I set off to run some errands in order to check some things off my home improvement list.  Keeping Jay’s new rule in mind, I wanted to see what all I could get.

Truck:  cabinet for laundry room

Trunk: cabinet for laundry room

Back seat:  Dog and supplies for window cover

Back seat: Dog and supplies for window cover

Front seat:  our CSA share, YUM!

Front seat: our CSA share, YUM!

Jay is now cursing my tetris skills.  I reminded him that in the past (not necessarily at the same time) I have fit the following in my car:  2 plastic adirondack chairs, a lemon tree and blue berry bush, 25 sections of sod, posts and cement to repair fence, 8 & 12 ft (this one was sticking out the front window) lengths of molding, etc.

I am so excited about our CSA vegetables.  We signed up at  EarthWise Produce to be a part of their CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).  Each week we will get a box full of veggies and fruits, this will make me cook outside my box.  This week included basil, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, onions, cabbage, and celeriac. The celeriac, or celery root, threw me for a loop.  I had to look up some recipes and settled on trying to roast and mash it like mashed potatoes.  I’m going to do a post later this week about everything I made with my CSA box.

Here’s some sneak peaks at what we’ve been working on!  And I HOPE I can post my installed crown molding later this week, WOO!

Window cover for a half-moon window in our master bedroom

Window cover for a half-moon window in our master bedroom

Laundry room in progress

Laundry room in progress